Monday Motivation: If Life Hands You Color, Run With It

The Color Run. How can you not be happy after being splashed in bright colors?

On Sunday, July 15, I will be running The Color Run 5k in St. Paul, Minn. For those of you who do not know, The Color Run is a 5K run not about being the fastest runner, but rather about being the happiest participant despite any flaws you may think you have. And, more importantly, it’s about getting bathed in the colors as you run or walk the course.

So, the question is, what makes you happy? Friends? Family? Work? Reading? Coffee? You get the point, but what ever it is, go do it more often.

Often times we know exactly what it is that makes us happy but our heads complicate situations. Don’t over think your happiness. Don’t complicate it. It’s simple. Everyone has something to be happy about. Decide what you are happy about, or what you wake up every day with a passion to do. Now, go do it. Simple.

Do more of what makes you happy. Easy enough, right?Stop judging yourself by the definition of what everyone else thinks you should be. Live for you. Be happy. Build your own path of happiness and enjoy the journey because, after all, you are worth it.

If you don’t want to be happy for yourself, then who else would want to be happy for you?

As you ponder that question, let me leave you with one of my favorite quotes, “Be so happy that when others look at you they become happy, too.”


4 thoughts on “Monday Motivation: If Life Hands You Color, Run With It

  1. “Don’t over think your happiness.”

    I think that’s an excellent line. So simple, yet so full of truth. We spend a lot of time worrying about what everyone else is doing. What should we be doing? What things ‘should’ we like? I think that’s a great message.

    Also, the color run is an awesome concept. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

    Excellent post!

    Thank you for that 🙂

    • Thank you for your feedback — it’s greatly appreciated. And, I’m glad you responded well to the message of the post.

      Over the past few months, I’ve had the luxury of learning that you can’t measure yourself against everyone’s definition of what you should be, but rather that you should try to be better than the person you were yesterday. Eventually, you’ll figure everything out.

      Also, look for my post-Color Run post. It’s my first time running it and it should be a great experience!

      Thanks again!

      • Read the color-run post. Looks like quite a time! Congratulations on the experience 🙂

        I am in the same boat as you. In the last year I’ve learned to accept who I am and what I do. I’ve learned not to worry about ratings or rankings or acceptance. I don’t even like to compare myself to myself haha It’s more about being you. That’s all it is.

        Plain and simple, I am Me.

        Thanks for the reply!! Keep up the great posts 🙂

      • I like that, “I don’t even compare myself to myself.” So many people are worried about what other people are doing, and they forgot to see what’s right in front of them — what they could be doing to be a better person. Don’t stop being you. Plain and simple. If people make you change, then they’re not worth it. I’m glad you enjoy the posts and look for my post on The Color Run… coming up soon. It’s been a hectic couple of weeks. Thanks again! I enjoy your comments.

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